Life is Better with a Dog

  Besides buying vegetables on Fridays, I sometimes stop by the floral section to see if there’s anything that catches my eye. I get flowers at least twice a month just because they look so freaking pretty. There’s just something about looking at them at times when I’m under pressure and feel grounded. They’re a reminder that despite the chaotic mess I’m in, there’s beauty underneath the discord.
Is that just me?
I took these photos yesterday, and I have to say that my favorite part was making my shaggy dogs pose for me. I know that they definitely need the trimming, but it’s winter! So, I figured… One more month? I usually groom them myself because I find it pretty fun. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t been tempted to shave them down. Yeah, I definitely need to groom them next month.
One of the presents I got for Christmas was this peach matcha green tea from Teavana. The packaging was too pretty to not try it. I’m usually not a fan of green tea, but I have to admit that this one broke my record-long of despising such tea. It’s a definitely worth trying. I couldn’t help but continue sipping on it until it was all gone!
Today, I’m going to have a relaxing Sunday as in read a book, make plans to break plans, catch up on shows, and cook! What do YOU usually do on Sundays?
Behind the photos: Last week, I mentioned how the story behind the photos are so much better. Well, this week… I had to keep my dogs out of my way because they kept bugging the **** out of me! Notice Kobi on the bed. Oh, and clumsy me almost fell out of bed trying to take photos at different angles. I also dreaded cleaning up the mess I made right after.
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